
Thursday, June 26, 2008

Brain Games To Improve Memory And Attention

Anyone realise how much we are neglecting the use of our brain? Through the advent of technology, we only need to flip out our handy mobile phone, and we do not need to even need to waste a single brain cell on a simple arithmetic calculation.

I read that there are brain games that could help reclaim this lost domain of ours. I found one such site - Lumosity (

The site claims that Lumosity users have experienced clearer and quicker thinking; improved memory for names, numbers, directions, etc; increased alertness and awareness; elevated mood as well as better concentration at work or while driving.

I am not sure how quickly I will see those changes described but I am already addicted to the games, while trying the 7 days free trial now. The games there are fun and totally addictive. Somehow, I do feel my brain working harder than usual and getting stronger!