- Aromatically - it simply means smelling the oil or diffusing it throughout the room or space. This is what we call aromatherapy and how the spas always smell like heaven!
- Topically - on various parts of our body, either via roller balls or drops of the essential oils. But take when using essential oils directly on body parts as there are some ‘hot’ oils (meaning they can burn on skin) that needs to be diluted using carrier oils.
- Internally - do you know that we can actually consume essential oils? We can put a drop of lemon EO into water, or in a capsule or even sublingually (under the tongue).
Of course, in all situations, make sure that the EOs are used carefully and in the supposed usage form.
Just to share, below is one of my favourite video from Jen O’Sullivan on the basics of EO - Essential Oils 101 in under 20 minutes. She’s my favourite EO expert and I love how she shares just like an old friend would. Watch it here.
Contact me at adomesticgoddesswannabe@gmail.com or leave me a post below if you want to find out more about using essential oils but just can’t wait for my posts to come!

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