Starting out as an EO rookie, there are as many misses as hits. My favourite EO personality Jen O'Sullivan sums it all up in her Top 10 EO rookie mistakes. Am guilty of mistake 8!
Here are the 10 mistakes but watch the video at the FB for Jen's best explanations why not to make the mistake.
- Mistake 10 - Keeping your oils on their sides
- Mistake 9 - Keeping your oils in sunny places
- Mistake 8 - Touching the orifice with near fingers (yikes! I did that)
- Mistake 7 - Overtightening caps or keeping them too loose
- Mistake 6 - Putting too many drops of EO in the diffuser
- Mistake 5 - Too scared to use oils besides just automatically
- Mistake 4 - Overzealous in mixing oil blends together
- Mistake 3 - Not buying a reference guide
- Mistake 2 - Keep using the same oil the same way
- Mistake 1 - Using EO like it is a bandaid
Let me know what is your rookie mistake. Also, text me if you want to know and have your oils. I am at!

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